Hi Debbie, I signed up as a writer with you but then you were off to surgery. I did see that it has been postponed. I hope all will go well. I've had several friends go through a hip surgery and they're doing great. I wanted to mention a couple things. First, Meg was so helpful in her edits and guiding me to specifics for a Medium post with Middle-Pause. "Sexting at Sixty" was published. I hope you saw it. I just read your piece about your boost rate. Perhaps that's why my essay wasn't boosted like you're used to? It was published the end of Oct. Anyhow, I'm happy to be a part of this publication. I trust the boost rate will go back up. I am still trying to figure out Medium and I've been posting blogs for a couple years now. In fact I wanted to DM this but couldn't figure out how. Thank you for your blogs and for the opportunity to write for Middle-Pause. Be well. Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁